Sunday, April 23, 2006

Primetime Statement

This on the primetime web site regarding the on-camera brutal beating a teenage girl received from her father.
ABC News has spoken with Kyle, the young woman from Friday night's "Primetime" report on stepfamilies, who says, "She appreciates all the support she has been receiving from viewers of the program. However, she wants everyone to know that she loves her father very much, that this unfortunate incident is not characteristic of their relationship and that she hopes that people will respect their privacy and not attack her father as they have been doing."

Kyle's maternal grandmother, with whom she is living, tells ABC News that, "She knows Joe to be a caring and good father, and she hopes people will leave the family alone so they can heal and get through this together."

Primetime is working with experts to see that the family gets the support and help it needs at this time.

of course kyle still loves her father. that's the way it is. kids mostly love their parents no matter what they do to them. still doesn't excuse primetime for putting ratings over children.