Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Catholic Church Okays Viagra

See, it's all about controlling women, taking women back to a time when they were subservient to their husband's whims and desires. It's in the Bible, after all. So they say.
If health insurance plans offered by Catholic-sponsored entities refuse to cover contraceptives for women because of the religion's moral teachings banning artificial birth control, do they cover Viagra for men? I got several emails asking that question after my recent report on the Obama administration's change on a rule mandating coverage of contraceptives. After the change, the administration would allow hospitals, universities and charities sponsored by religious groups to opt out of covering birth control if the institutions' insurance companies offer it instead. The answer on Viagra coverage is usually yes, Catholic leaders say. And they argue that's neither hypocritical nor sexist. Procreation is something the Catholic church encourages. And Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs can be of help. NPR
More than anyone, Santorum represents this 1950s view of women, but go on republicans, vote your heart, vote Santorum.